
Chick David, M.D. is a certified physician in Internal Medicine.  Dr. Chick was born and raised in Georgia.

Dr. Chick David received his certification in Internal Medicine in 2001.

Over the last 15 years, Dr. Chick David has found great personal and professional satisfaction from building relationships with his patients based on mutual trust and respect. His care philosophy includes an emphasis on preventive care and partnering with his patients to help them reach their health goals. Dr. Chick’s specific areas of interest include a focus on general internal medicine.

“I am passionate about excellence and thoroughness in direct patient care and consider it my job to be an advocate for my patient’s health care needs.”

Surname / Name David Chick  
Gender Male
Date and place of birth May 4, 1964 (Georgia)
Marital Status Married
Address Holon (Israel)
Phone +972-3-6515074
Specialty Internal Medicine
Education Higher education
Educational institution: Lvov State Medical University , Tbilisi State Medical University
Date of completion: 1988
Medical Faculty
Specialty: Medicine
Course Title: Endocrinology

Course Title: Internal Medicine
Educational Facility: Wolfson Medical Center ,Israel
Duration: 5 years
Date: May 2001

Professional Experience Period:

Since June 2001 – Asaf Harofeh Medical Center , Department: Internal Medicine B

January 2001 – Maccabi Health Insurance

1999-2001 – Leumit Medical Insurance

Position: Internal Diseases, Family Doctor
31 ,Montifiory St., Holon, Israel

Period: August 1989 – August 1993
Position: Endocrinologist, Endocrinology clinic

Additional Information

Russian: Fluent
English: Fluent
Georgian Language: Fluent
Hebrew: Fluent